Friday, July 29, 2011

It's time to really stir the pot.....I'm pro gay marriage. Here's why:

I should preface this post by letting you know I am gay, I have a partner of six-years, and we have three children via gestational surrogacies.  If you haven't figured it out by now, I am pro-gay marriage.  I'm actually pro-marriage in general whether it be two men, two women, a man and a woman, two transgendered individuals, etc.  Governor Perry recently had to clarify his views on gay marriage after he said that the state of New York was just in granting gays the right to marry.                                                                        Why should America continue to deny rights to portions of our population that others enjoy?  Is that not hypocritical?  Here are some bullet points to substantiate my views:
1-Denying my partner and I the right to marry is a violation of our religious freedoms.
2-The benefits that come with marriage should be given to all people.  Benefits such as medical/end of life decisions, joint ownership, and the financial/tax benefits.
3-Homosexuality is not a choice a person makes, rather it is biological....just as being heterosexual is not a choice.  Contrary to popular belief, "praying the gay away" does not work, it only masks one's true desires.  I know this from personal experience.
4-Despite some political leaders' views and statements, homosexuality does not hurt society or anyone.
5-Denying gays the right to marry is a form of discrimination..
6-What really matters is that two people love each other and want to commit their lives to each other.

Many will disagree with me, but I compare the gay marriage issue to issues of the past such as women's suffrage and the civil rights movement.  It's hard to believe today, but at one time women weren't allowed to vote and we all know about how African Americans/Blacks were mistreated.  I know that the United States Constitutional right of gays to marry will not be granted overnight, but it will happen in time.  I intend to be part of the driving force that heeds the call.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Support the police!

Mr. Rodriguez wrote a post admonishing police officers for being dirty, abusive, and disliked/dispised.  Seriously??  What the heck?!  Would you rather there be no police?  Imagine that.  Who'd come when a criminal broke into your house, beat you, raped your wife/partner, kidnapped your child, took all your valuables, etc etc.  Who'd assist you after an accident?  Who'd control the traffic after major sporting events or after a mega-church gathering?  Who'd be there for you in times of crisis and need?
I'll admit some police officers may have egos but that's part of the job.  Without the egos, they wouldn't be able to handle the riff-raff they encounter on a daily basis.  Does ego=abuse of power?  In a few rare circumstances, yes.  The other 99.99999999999999999% of the time these guys are out there helping and protecting the public. 
And who really dislikes or dispises police?  When I've received tickets.....even when I was arrested sometime back for failure to pay my tickets, I didn't dispise the officer involved.   I was angry at myself for actions that had undesirable consequences.  I sped, I got tickets.  I didn't pay those tickets, I got arrested.  When you say most people dislike or dispise the police, have these people ever admitted their fault?  Or have they just whined and moaned at being caught.....blaming everything on the damned cops?!
I support and appreciate the police departments of America.  Are they perfect?  No.  But who in the hell is? 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My thoughts on voter ID

The Voter ID Bill was given emergency status by Gov. Perry due to the fact he had tried unsuccessfully for 6 years to get the bill passed, but this year both houses were under GOP control thus he was able to ram the bill through.  This Voter ID Bill requires a voter to have one of the following photo IDs:  driver's license, state ID, military ID, CHL, passport, or citizenship ID.  The reasoning for the bill is to limit the amount of voter impersonation/voter fraud, although there have been few actual cases of this happening.
Even though I am a more liberal leaning voter, I do not neccessarily diasgree with the bill, but I do think other issues should have been taken care of before this bill was even debated.  Issues such as the huge budget shortfall which will affect education, social services and other areas of the state government should have taken priority.                                                                                                                                                               The TX GOP pushing this bill through the way they did is similar to waxing your car while it is raining.  I mean, what's the point?  Since there have been very few instances of voter fraud, why even make this such a big issue?  Because apparently Democratic voters tend to include the poor and minorities...two groups of people who are likely not to have a valid current photo ID.   Thus Dems will have that many less votes to count on.
All in all this is just another ploy by the party in power (the GOP) to rule the nest as they wish.  Democrats would surely push through some legislation if there were in power (i.e. the national house/senate in last years healthcare reform).  As the balances of power sway, so too do the issues brought to the forefront of congressional legislation. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Perry's Prayer-O-Rama(Summit)

As I'm sure all Texans have heard (& unfortunately many of those outside our borders) Rick Perry is leading a "Prayer Summit" to be held in Houston @ the Reliant Center on 8/6/11.  It's going to be a day of fasting and praying for our nation which in in a "historic crisis."  There is a post on the liberal blog "texaskaos" about the much hyped event.  The posting gives us some ideas on how to go about being outspoken concerning the event, without sounding anti-God/Christian. 
I agree that to come out complaining about the seperation of church and state automatically paints one as anti-religious, which in this state is a sure fire way to not be heard.  The author, an unknown person whom's screenname is "lightseeker" sounds like a fair minded and knowledgeable individual and I concur with his post.  Those of us not in favor of the event should breakdown the process therefore allowing others to truly see what is happening and why it is happening. We should identify the problem, the villains, the victims, the hero(es), and a common sense solution.  He outlines all of this near the end of his posting.
By no means am I anti-Jesus, I am actually a Christian and would ordinarily reccommend this event.  But, given the people who are behind the event (Rick Perry & the American Family Association), I can't help but be apprehensive of the actual reasoning for the event.  As a member of a gay family (partnered men with three children) I am sure we would be ostracized if we showed up to Perry's Prayer Summit hand in hand, like a family.  Would that be the right thing to do?  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Doctors and Medicare Reimbursement

In the Politifact article  concerning doctors and Medicare reimbursements, U.S. Representative Michael Burgess(R) from Lewisville claimed that 2010 was the worst year ever for doctors whom receive reimbursements from Medicare.  According to the article, Rep. Burgess is wrong on his statement.  Though there were times during 2010 when doctors had a slight decrease in reimbursements, thanks to backdating congressional actions all doctors maintained the same Medicare reimbursements from the previous year.  That reimbursement payment percentage was actually extended to last through 2011.
Being the domestic partner of a doctor, I know all too well about the worries doctors had over the past year regarding Medicare.  Medicare patients and the money Medicare pays is the bread and butter of many medical practices, without which the doctors would not be forced to close or quit, but a lifestyle change would definitely occur.  I'm estimating that approximately 30% of my partner's income comes from Medicare patients.  To lose that much income all at once would not be devastating, but it would take some adjusting.  In reality, some people are forced to live on much less than the average doctor earns.
Back to the article, the facts and opinions stated throughout the article have merit and are factual.  The writer(s) seem to be unbiased in writing the article-they just wanted the truth to be told.  Apparantly Rep. Burgess was grandstanding for the FOX Business News Network.....go figure.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Federal Aid From Washington/Obama

Recently, per the TX Liberal, President Obama approved a request from Governor Perry for Federal Disaster Assistance $$$ to help with damage caused by the recent wildfires.  I find it odd that Perry, whom in the past has called for TX to secede and become our own nation ruled by his perfect haired regime, would have even asked the "socialist" Fed Govt for help.  To me that's kind of like a prostitute asking a cop for protection (protection that is not relative to what a cop usually protects people with or from).  I recall an interview Perry did where he was lambasting Obama and his so-called socialist government for being too big and for being too intrusive in hard-working Americans lives. I wonder why Perry is asking for $$$ from the Federal government while at the same time he is being so pigheaded in regards to Federal govt.  Instead of complaining, Perry should be a real man and thank his President for helping in a time of need.